*Emphasis (aka Italics)* or _using single underscores_ <br>
**Strong Emphasis (aka Bold)** or __using double underscores__ <br>
Combined Emphasis with **asterisks and _underscores_** <br>
<del>Strikethrough text</del> <br>
Super<sup>script</sup> <br>
Sub<sub>script</sub> <br>
`Monospaced Type (aka Code Block)` <br>
~~Small Caps~~
* A Bulleted list item (using asterisk)
* Another Bulleted list item (using asterisk)
- A Bulleted list item (using minus)
- Another Bulleted list item (using minus)
+ A Bulleted list item (using plus)
+ Another Bulleted list item (using plus)
1. A Numbered list item
2. Another Numbered list item
[align left]
This text is left-aligned.
[align center]
This text is centered / centred.
[align right]
This text is right-aligned.
Alignment has been reset to the default.
Ignoring of \*Formatting\* Characters <br>
More ignoring of \_\_Formatting\_\_ Characters
Above Section Break is Chapbook specific or standard HTML...
Below Section Break is supported Markdown extras...
# Level 1 Heading
## Level 2 Heading
### Level 3 Heading
#### Level 4 Heading
##### Level 5 Heading
###### Level 6 Heading
Alternative Level 1 Heading
Alternative Level 2 Heading
| Table mark-up | with | alignment |
| --- | :---: | ---: |
| column 1 is | left-aligned | 1 |
| col 2 is | centered | 10 |
| col 3 is | right-aligned | 100 |