:: StoryTitle Chapbook: Typewriter :: Start [JavaScript] engine.extend('1.0.0', () => { config.template.modifiers = [{ match: /^typewriter\s/i, process(output, {invocation}) { // Get the time let time = invocation.replace(/^typewriter\s/i, ''); // Save original text let text = output.text; // Get length of original text let length = text.length; // Set initial index let index = 0; // Wipe out output to start output.text = ""; // Loop through the text // -- Add a new for each chracter // -- Set the class "fade-in" // -- Set the delay as equal to time multiplied position for(let i = 0; i < length; i++) { output.text += `${text[i]}`; } } }, ...config.template.modifiers]; }); [continued] [[Start TyperWriter]] :: Start TyperWriter [typewriter 1000] Hello, world! [continued]