Getting Around in Twine
Some parts of Twine's interface are present no matter what you're doing in Twine.
The Top Toolbar
There's a toolbar that sits at the top of the screen no matter where you are in Twine. It's split into labelled tabs. The active tab has a blue border beneath the label.
In general, when you're using Twine, you'll select items below the top toolbar, then use buttons in the toolbar to perform an action on them.
The Back Button
In most parts of Twine, there is a Back button nestled in one corner of the top toolbar. It's blue to help it stand out. This button works like a back button in a web browser. If you've navigated between different screens in Twine, it will take you back to the screen you were last in.
The Back button isn't present in the Story Library screen because it's Twine's equivalent of a home page.
The Help Button
You'll find a Help button on the opposite side of where the Back button resides. This opens this guide in your web browser.
The Twine Toolbar Tab
No matter where you are in Twine, there will be a tab at the end of the top toolbar labeled Twine. This tab contains actions related to Twine itself.
- Preferences opens the Preferences dialog, where you can customize how Twine works.
- Story Formats takes you to the Story Formats screen, where you can manage story formats installed in your version of Twine.
- About Twine opens a dialog showing the version of Twine you're using and a list of people who have contributed to Twine.
- Report a Bug takes you to Twine's source code repository, where you can report a bug or suggest an improvement to the application.
Certain actions in Twine will open dialog boxes along one side of the screen with more detail about a particular action. For example, editing a passage will open a dialog box with the passage text.
Dialog boxes have a few controls in their title bar:
- An x button in their corner that closes the dialog.
- A chevron (›) button on the opposite side that collapses the dialog so that only its title bar is visible.
- Some dialogs have a maximize button beside their close button which allows a dialog to fill the available space. To restore a maximized dialog's original size, use the maximize button again. Only one dialog can be maximized at a time.
You can have as many dialogs open as you have room onscreen for. Right now, the order of dialogs can't be changed, nor can their position onscreen be changed. The width of dialogs can be changed in preferences.