There are a couple of ways to do this.
1: As noted already, you can use a Linkreplace. It's quick and easy to do. For a basic little replace, it works great. =^^= The addon replacelink, I have not used.
2: Combining a Link macro AND a Replace macro can get you the same effect, but offer up some more versatility. You likely wouldn't need it for that vine test, but for other things, this comes in VERY handy.
(If you're not a programmer, this is probably going to look scary, but once you start to learn your way around the code, this will work wonders for you. Just don't panic. =^^= )
First, a quick explanation.
<span></span> Spans are telling the system "hey! This piece of the page is different from the rest of it!" a span is usually used to give text special colors and features through a class (that's CSS code, i won't get into that), and ID. The ID gives the span a name that can be referred to by other pieces of code. I'll get into that with something in a minute here. basically... <span id="namethistext" class="dontworryaboutmenow"></span> Just keep in mind that spans have only single brackets, <> as opposed to a lot of other code that has two <<>>.
<<link "text">><</link>> basically turns the text between the quotation marks into a link. When the player clicks on that text, any code contained between the link and endlink is performed. (if you see a link with a second line of text in quotation marks <<link "text" "place">> the second one is the name of a passage to go to after performing the code in the link)
<<replace "#">><</replace>> This one gets fun. You can use this to replace certain parts of a page with something else. Specifically, you can add in the name of a Span, and replace everything in the Span with what you have placed inside the Replace. (the ID of the span has to have the hashtag added to it for the replace)
<span id="spanname">\
You see a \
<<link "Big Red Button">>\
<<replace "#spanname">>\
Pushing the button results in the teleportation of bread!!!
<<set $bread to $bread + 42>>\
...but maybe you should \
<<link "not push it..." "that passage without bread">>\
<<set $bread to 0>>
I added the variable changes just to point out that you can do more than replace text. Using this method is more complex, and certainly more than you need for just replicating the vine test, but if you want your character to remember that they checked the vines, you would probably want to use link AND replace, rather than linkreplace.