A beginner here. How can I add a variable to Player's choice without adding a separate passage for it?
Let's say I want the Player to create a character for an adventure game in 3 passages. I would start with choosing class, then choosing race and then a summary.
Class passage:
Choose your class:
[[A mage|race]]
[[A rogue|race]]
[[A warrior|race]]
Now I want the Player to choose a race in the second passage (race),
Choose your race:
[[A human|summary]]
[[A dwarf|summary]]
[[An elf|summary]]
and then in the last passage (summary) I want to inform him about his character:
Congratulations, you're a $race $class.
I know that to set a variable I need to use
<<set $class = "mage">>
I do not know however how to set $class and $race depending in Player's choices without adding an additional passage.
Thanks in advance!
I've looked through tutorials, but haven't found answer to my question.