Please use the Question Tags to state the name and full version number of the Story Format you are using, as answers can vary based on that information. You stated you are using Harlowe, I will assume you're using the default version which v2.1.0
I think your two main issues are:
1. Timing.
The contents of the Story Javascript area is executed before the contents of the Passage that is marked 'Start Story Here'. This means you either need to delay code like your document.getElementById('stars') until after that element in the Passage has been rendered, or you need to create that element within the Javascript however if you do this then that element can't exist within the tw-passage element or it's decedents because they are destroyed and recreated for each Passage Transition.
You could add something like the following to your Passage.
<canvas id="stars" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
2. Scope.
The contents of the Story Javascript area (actually a special Passage) and of each of the (standard) Passages that make up your project are executed within their own local scopes. This means that Javascript Variables & Methods defined within one of them are not automatically visible within the others, unless you somehow raise the scope of them to global. (Ideally you would only raise the scope of the bare minimum of the functionality you needed.)
The most common way to do that is to define what you need direct access to on the global window object, although I would personally create a namespace object on the window object and then define my functionality on that namespace so not to accidentally override the web-browser's own functionality,
You code try something like:
window.Stars = (function() {
/* Your existing code here... */
... which would tie into the script element in my example for point 1.
I tried creating a demo to show you (based on you existing code snippet) but I ran into some issues/errors with it:
a. You have a semi-colon after the declaration of linkOpacity = 0.25; instead of a coma.
b. You reference Delaunay (which isn't part of your snippet) and I would of needed to obtain the correct library (and then possibly need to convert it to run in a story format) so that I could embed it in the Story Javascript area.