First off greyelf, thank you so much for your detailed answer. The CSS solution is very elegant, and works perfectly for this use-case!
I'm not an experienced web developer, I'm learning more about CSS working in Twine than I ever knew before! That said, while I'm able to implement your suggestion pretty easily in the Twine Story Stylesheet, I'm getting lost in my web browser trying to determine how you pulled that style data using the developer tools.
I'm using Chrome on Mac OS, and when I view Developer Tools, I can find the style data from the overall Story Stylesheet, but I cannot find style data translated from the Twine macros. Where in the developer console does this data exist?
Regarding your warning about the Save System. I have a simple Save System in my Story using the following in my Footer passage:
(css: "font-size: 12px")
[Bookmark: \
(link-repeat: "Save")\
(confirm: "Saving will overwrite any previous bookmarks! Continue?")\
(if:(save-game: "Slot A"))[(alert: "Saved!")]\
[(alert: "Could not save. Try turning off Private Browsing.")]\
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A" )\
[/ (link-repeat: "Load")[\
(confirm: "Loading will return you to a previously saved bookmark. This will completely REPLACE current choices and progress in the story! Continue?")\
[(load-game: "Slot A")]\
The $AlignRight variable is set in my Startup Passage:
(set: $AlignRight to (align: "==>"))
I tested my story, which has a few examples of styling within Variables, in Chrome on Mac, and I was able to Save and Load the story without error. Is it possible the problem is fixed??
Thanks again for your detailed help!