Since I figured out that Twine app basically runs as a browser window, I like to widen the passage/script/css editing box using Inspect Element (right click menu) and fiddling with the CSS of the app to accomplish this. If I could save such modifications so they are always in place when the app launches, I would probably do more fiddling to customize the app even further. Is there a way I can do this by messing around in the app's installation folder?
To clarify further in case my meaning isn't clear, what I'm talking about is opening Twine, opening a passage, right clicking Inspect Element and changing the CSS that formats it to the below (essentially swapping out 48em with 77em as the editor width).
.modal-dialog.editor {
top: .5rem;
bottom: .5rem;
width: 77em;
left: -webkit-calc((100vw - 77em)/2);
left: calc((100vw - 77em) / 2);
max-height: none;
I want to make it so it's always like this, without me having to do it with each launch.