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by (220 points)
Is the ipad a good tool for creating a Twine 2 game? The online version gets complicated about files,  publishing.

For those who like to compose in a text editor. I know there are ways to write in Twee for Twine 2, but they are beyond me. On the Ipad, I have started using Bear Notes and it dawned that maybe one could use tags to keep track of passages and links then later copy into Twine. I would then add any audio or images needed.  That is, write the story and dialogue in Bear using tags to keep track of navigation. Then use that in Twine 2 itself for the final draft. Does this even make sense? Or is there a simpler way to compose on the Ipad?

1 Answer

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by (810 points)
Bear looks like a cool app, but it doesn't seem to support custom export formats that could be used to create a twee file, which would be the easiest way to do what you're thinking of doing.  Though even that would still require a command-line compiler or Twine 1 because Twine 2 doesn't import twee files.

Bear does support wiki-style linking, so I'm not sure why you would want to use tags for linking instead of just using individual notes for individual passages and links to link between them.  Ideally you would use Bear with a markdown-based story format, since Bear will render markdown but will only highlight wiki markup within code blocks that specify it.   Since Bear can export to markdown, it would be possible to write in Bear, export all notes into one markdown file, and manually convert the markdown headers to twee headers.

Though it supports code highlighting, it's not expecting code in the middle of your text the way Twine 2 is, nor is it likely to highlight that code well even if you mark it as code and wiki markup, so it wouldn't be the most helpful UI for someone whose Twine story is heavy on the code.

So the answer is "maybe, if a heavy on the markdown, light on the coding, heavy on the post-processing workflow will work for you".
by (220 points)
Thanks! That is very useful information.

Sounds like it might be more trouble than it's worth, though Bear (or similar) might still be useful in the early stages of brainstorming and outlining.