Ok so I've got some code I'm tinkering about with:
Roll a 4 or better
<<set $health = 5>>
<span id='dice-outcome'></span>
<span id='dice-button'>\
<<button 'Roll a die.'>>
<<set $roll to random(1, 6)>>
<<if $roll gte 4>>
<<replace '#dice-outcome'>>\
You rolled a $roll. [[Well Done]]
<<replace '#dice-button'>><</replace>> /% remove button %/
<<replace '#dice-outcome'>>\
You missed! The Drone showers your position with
gunfire! Try Again\
<<set $health -= 2>>
<<if $health lt 1>>
<<goto [[Death1]]>><</if>>
I'm trying to get it to a lot of things.
Basically I want the player to roll the dice.
If the player rolls below a '4' I want 2 health to be deducted.
If the player's health dips below 1 / reaches zero, I want to use the goto command (or something similar) to send him to the death screen.
When I try using this code...
It now throws up the death screen upon the first dice roll being under 4.
Can anyone help. I am a bad programmer, good at story-telling, bad at anything beyond basics. :(
Any gurus of the code out there? You guys are unsung heros for helping me out this far...
My first code success without a total copy paste pasta. Did a LOT of code modifications but it deducts health AND it executes a goto command to the death screen!
It's probably a bit rough, but I leave it up for others to work on and improve with, just like I did.