Oh wait! Haha, it is? Hrm... this is going to be rough to explain over the forum, but I'll try and do my best.
I will need a site host (I think...? I'm not so great on creating websites since, well... this would pretty much be my first one) in order to put twine into/onto it? Does it work that way?
If I were to put in the site address and click enter:
"Welcome, blah blah." You can enter the castle, gardens, library, etc... Was hoping to go the route of having a medieval castle be the background of all of it.
"You see piles of dusty books and yadda yadda..." AI says something to the affect of "Angela's works are available to read here, however we are not responsible for any ghouls, spirits, or spiteful pixie servants who may give you trouble once the clock strikes midnight."
The gardens could have plaques with achievements... a scrying room can shed light on past companies... etc... Something that lets the viewer adventure like that.
How do I make THAT possible? :O