> a tycoon with droppers that run on certain intervals.
I'm unsure what you mean be this statement.
> Currently the timer resets itself on click.
That's because the timers created by the (live:) macro are associacted with the current Passage being shown, which is why the timer is destroyed when a Passage Transition occurs.
Based on your example you are currently:
a. Starting between 0 and 3 (live:) macro timers, depending on the current value of three variables.
b. Each of these timers updates the same $btc story variable every X time units.
c. Once started each of those timers will keep updating that variable until the next Passage Transition occurs, because Harlowe doesn't include any other means for (externally) stopping a timer.
Is continuiously updating the $btc story variable every X time units for the rest of the Reader's play-through the functionality you want the permanent timer to perform?
Do you plan to give the Reader a means to stop the permanent timer?
warning: Active timers (like those created by the (live:) macro) interfere with the end-user's ability to interact with the page every time their associated code block (hook) is executed, the more often a timer fires or the more active timers there are, the more noticeable that interference is. This is why it is recomended to never have more than a single timer active at any one time.