Based on what I know and the assumption that you are using the standart story format, because you're new (harlowe 1.2.4), I could suggest the following:
(click:"answer 1")[(set:$aggressionLevel to 1)]
(click:"answer 2")[(set:$aggressionLevel to 2)]
(click:"answer 3")[(set:$aggressionLevel to 3)]
(if: $agressionLevel is 1)[answer 1]
(if: $agressionLevel is 2)[answer 2]
(if: $agressionLevel is 3)[answer 3]
(if: $agressionLevel > 3)[answer 4]
Depending on whether the agrassion continues to the next passage, or it starts again, you should add "(set: $aggressionLevel to 0)"
Also depending on everyone being offended or just an individual you should consider to add individual levels, like "$agressionLevelPerson1","$agressionLevelPerson2" etc.
That's everything I can go on from what You've told, I hope it helps a little bit (warning, I just typed th code here, I don't know if it really works and depending on how you want to design your conversation it could get a lot more complicated)