0 votes
by (310 points)

I'm trying to use the CSS stylesheet to change the hover color of every link, and I've tried:

tw-link:hover, .enchantment-link:hover {
 color: red;

.enchantment-link:hover, tw-link:hover {
 color: red;

tw-link.hover {
 color: red;

But none of them work.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (159k points)
selected by
Best answer

Your 1st CSS rule, if placed within your project's Story Stylesheet area...

tw-link:hover, .enchantment-link:hover {
	color: red;

... will cause the colour of the following different link types to change to Red when the mouse cursor is placed over each of them.

[[Next Passage]]

(link: "Next Passage")[]

|banana>[Next Passage]
(click: ?banana)[]


by (310 points)
Thank you! It suddenly decided to start working, I'm not sure why it wasn't.
by (310 points)

I'm sorry, I am still learning CSS.

tw-link: hover, .enchantment-link: hover {
 color: #ff0000;

tw-link:hover, .enchantment-link:hover {
 color: #ff0000;

I typed in the first one without realizing there should be no spaces between ":" and "hover".

0 votes
by (210 points)

You could use this CSS to ensure a red hover color of every link.

a:hover {
 color: red !important;

