In my game I'd like to unlock all the weapons for players who enter the cheat code idkfa.
Unlocking the weapons in the game is easy enough with an IF statement:
<<if $idkfa == true>>
<<set $playerHasChainsaw to true>>
<<set $playerHasPistol to true>>
<<set $playerHasShotgun to true>>
<<set $playerHasChaingun to true>>
<<set $playerHasRocketLauncher to true>>
<<set $playerHasPlasmaGun to true>>
<<set $playerHasBFG9000 to true>>
But what's the best way to actually set $idkfa to true? My ideal method would be:
- Obscure to casual players, so they're not aware of a text box designed to receive cheat codes
- Able to report to the player, perhaps via a dialogue box, that they'd entered the cheat code successfully