I'm attempting to auto-create tables in harlowe.
If my story goes to according to plan, I'll end up with a number of tables for various reasons (stores, displaying stats, etc). To make it easier, I thought I'd make a function passage to create the tables as needed.
It seems, though, the html statements are buried under other classes by harlowe, rendering them invisible/nonfunction. (in a browser, the screen is blank in the table's area).
(set: $w3table_all_opts_op to ("<div class=w3-container><table class=w3-table-all>"))
(set: $w3table_close to ("</table></div>"))
(set: $heroStatAdjTableHead to (array: "Stat Name" , "Current" , "Increase" , "Decrease" , "Save"))
(set: $heroStatAdjTableRows to (array: "open" , "header" , "brains" , "brawn" , "agility" , "spirit" , "vigor" , "close"))
(for: each _tablerow, ...$heroStatAdjTableRows)[
(if: _tablerow is "open")[$w3table_all_opts_op<!--open table-->]
(else-if: _tablerow is "header")[<!--one tr and th's for each head--><tr>(for: each _tablehead, ...$heroStatAdjTableHead)[<th>_tablehead</th>]</tr>]
(else-if: _tablerow is "close")[<!--closes table-->(print: $w3table_close)]
(else:)[<!-- one tr and other table td's --><tr>(for: each _tabledef, _tablerow)[<td>_tablerow</td>]</tr>]
inspector output
Also, if I try to create the table html elements normally, then use a for: macro to write the elements, they "escape" from the table.
Is there a way to classify or style the html so it will display in the game?
(I also tried using the column/table markdown, but the markdown wasn't recognized as output from the macros.)