this is what I did,
In the preferences passage:
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Skip Intro Slot")[
(if: (saved-games:)'s "Skip Intro Slot" contains
(set: $gameShowIntro to false)
(text-colour: "orange")[Skipping Intro]
(else-if: (saved-games:)'s "Skip Intro Slot" contains
(set: $gameShowIntro to true)
(text-colour: "green")[Play Intro]
(else:)[(text-colour: "red")[error]]
(else:)[(text-colour: "yellow")[not set]]
(if: $gameShowIntro is false)[(text-colour: "orange")[
(else:)[(text-colour: "green")[off]]
(link: "")[
(if: $gameShowIntro is true)[
(set: $gameShowIntro to false)
(save-game: "Skip Intro Slot" , "skipintroduction")
(text-style: "mark")[OFF]
(set: $gameShowIntro to true)
(save-game: "Skip Intro Slot" , "playitagainsam")
(text-style: "mark")[ON]]
Then in the launch passage, I have
##Introduction Testing
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Skip Intro Slot")["skip intro slot positive"
(if: (saved-games:)'s "Skip Intro Slot" contains "skipintroduction")[
"skip introduction is positive]
(else-if: (saved-games:)'s "Skip Intro Slot" contains "playitagainsam")[
"playitagainsam is positive"]
(else:)[not sure?]
(else:)[no intro slot?]
(which I'll be doing more with, (: )