I was wondering if there is a possibility to simply change passages without having to rely on the player clicking a designated link? A rough example -
<<timed 5s transition>>
You glance around your shoulders and see nothing. <</timed>>
<<timed 10s transition>>
*Change passage*
If that was a dumb question, and there isn't anything supporting that idea, I've opted to using...
<span id="wake">
Something something something.</span>\
<<timed 60.5s>> <<replace "#wake">> Something else. <</replace>> <</timed>>
As a way to make it appear as if the passage changed. However my problem here is I'm unclear if it's possible to change the background image located in my CSS stylesheet, while in the same passage over time?
body[data-tags~="Colors"] {
background-image: url("https://i.pinimg.com/originals/14/99/f3/1499f3f5d02e7d0f875937c95fcc86ff.png");
background-repeat: no repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: 100%, 100%