Hello everyone, now I was building the save system and for the most part works without problems, it saves and loads correctly. This is the code I'm using:
<!--Asks for name of the save, then saves, checks if it worked and reloads the passage to update the save name-->
(link-repeat: "Save")[
(set: $Slot1Name to (prompt: "Name your save file", "Slot 1"))
(if:(save-game: "Slot1", $Slot1Name))[(alert: "Save successful!")]
(go-to: "SaveManagement")]
<!--Displays the save name-->
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot1")[Slot empty]
(else:)[(print: (saved-games:)'s "Slot1")]
<!--Checks if save game exists, then loads and jumps to the last story passage-->
(link-repeat: "Load")[(if:(saved-games:) contains "Slot1")[(load-game:"Slot1")
(go-to: $lastVisitedStoryPassage)]
(else:)[(alert: "No save found!")]]
The idea is to have on a line:
[Save] Savename [Load]
But it appears both go-to macros do not work as the name is not updated and the passage is not changed when loaded. I really don't understand why.