Basically, I have this error where I set up a variable to true then later in the story I have this code in:
(set: $seenKnife to true)
You see {(if: $seenKnife)[another] (else:)[a]} knife from the left room.
(set: $seenKnife to false)
You see {(if: $seenKnife)[another] (else:)[a]} knife from the left room.
(set: $seenKnife to true)
You also see a doll hanging from the roof of the attic, it's eyes sink into your soul as if it were haunted. What do you do?
[[Pick Up the Knife|Knife]]
basically, it's tracking to see if you have seen a knife before, but whenever I play it, it says:
(if:)'s 1st value is the number 0, but should be a boolean.
There's nothing before this to do (else:) with.