The $args variable is an Array and it contains each of the arguments that you passed to your widget when you called it.
How you use the $args Array within a widget greatly depends on what exactly that widget's purpose is, but here are two (untested) examples.
eg. If you have a widget named doit and you call it in your passage like so.
<<doit "one" "two" "three">>
... then the $args Array avaiable to the doit widget will contain the three arguments ("one", "two", "three") you passed to it.
Because the $args variable is an Array you can use any of the associated SugaCube or JavaScript method & properties on it's value.
eg. You can used it's length property to check how many arguments were passed to the widget.
<<widget "doit">>
/* Check if enough arguments were passed to the widget. */
<<if $args.length < 3>>
You need to passage 3 arguements to the ''doit'' widget.
eg. you can use integer indexes to access each argument. (Array's are zero based, 1st index is 0, next is 1, etc)
<<widget "doit">>
<<set _first to $args[0]>>
<<set _second to $args[1]>>
<<set _third to $args[2]>>