Your example code may not be doing what you think it is, due to Array indexes being number based (starting with 0).
a. The $INTERNAL[0] = "Zero" line is adding a String value of "Zero" as the first item of the Array object contained within the $INTERNAL variable.
b. The $EXTERNAL[$INTERNAL[0]] = "External" line is adding an Object Member Property named "Zero" to the Array object contained within the $EXTERNAL variable, then assign a String value of "External" to that new object property.
warning: This practice may lead to issues if the Reader saves then re-load that save, due to the new property not correct being recreated during the load process.
re: Adding elements to an (Standard) Array.
I generally suggest using the <Array>.push() method to add items to an Array, as it stops the issue described in point B from occurring.
<<set $INTERNAL to []>>
<<set $INTERNAL.push("Zero")>>
re: Adding key based elements to a Collection:
1. Using a generic Object to store the key/value pairs:
<<set $EXTERNAL to {}>>
<<set $EXTERNAL[$INTERNAL[0]] to "External">>
2. Using a Javascript Map object to store the key/value pairs.
<<set $MAP to new Map()>>
<<set $MAP.set($INTERNAL[0], "External")>>
The TwineScript to access the elements would look like the following:
MAP = <<print $MAP.get($INTERNAL[0])>>