I'm playing with Twine for a week now, because we're preparing a simple adventure for others. Due our lack of experience, tight deadline and lack of coding skills , we've chosen Harlow 2.1
Currently I have one 'dedicated' header passage, with tag 'header', it currently contains only:
<h3>(print: (passage: )'s name)</h3>
Header works without problem, it displays current passage name. But I am witnessing unexpected delay before the passage is shown. It looks like the header is displayed/updated, then there is 1-3s delay, then the passage text is rendered. It works the same even on stupid simple passages which contains only static link to other passage. And the delay is noticeable both in online editor and in exported html file.
Have I missed something? Is it supposed to create "interactive-like" feeling of listing through the book? Or maybe, is there some project-specific configuration, where I can disable it? Or is it specific to Harlow when using 'header' passage? I've tried to google it, but to no avail.
Thanks for any feedback
ps: sry for repost on Reddit, I missed this forum