Hello reader. I'm trying to use the Setting API to add an option to change the font size. While attempting to add a font size option as a range, it would give me an error stating this:
"Error [StoryInit]: <<run>>: bad evaluation: Setting.addRange is not a function."
I am sure that this is definitly the code causing the problem, as it's the only addRange method in the game.
Setting.addRange("fontSize", {
label : "FontSize.",
default : 16,
min : 8,
max : 24,
step : 1,
onChange : function () {
document.getElementById("interface").style.fontSize = settings["fontSize"];
This snippet is almost a copy from the example in the in SugarCube documentation. I successfully used the Setting.addHeader() method on the line preceding this one, so I'm not sure what is happening here.
This is the first question I've asked on here, so hopefully I did a good job.