I know I ask a lot of quetions... it's just because I'm very ambitious with my game, but don't know much about code yet- sorry...
What I'm trying to do is have only one clickable go-to-passage link appear at a time, depending on whether or not a variable is set.. here's an example of what I've tried:
<<if $variable is 1>>[normal text goes here|page5]<</if>>
<<if $other variable is 1>>[altered text goes here|page5]<</if>>
Now, a friend of mine said this might not work.. whivh is fine. I can just make a page6 with the exact same information as page 5, have the "altered text" link to to page6 and normal go to page5 then have them both link to page7 after. That's fine. But my problem is that either they both appear at once, neither appear and in DebugMode it only shows the "if" statements- not even the links inside, just the if(and in non-degub mode it just has empty space there) or only one link appears and it doesn't switch to the other link/link-text ever, even with the variable set.