First, you'll need to change:
<<if $answer is “oceanus”>>
<<if $answer is "oceanus">>
because the "fancy" quotes you have currently won't work. You need to use standard quote markers instead. (If you're copying the code from a Word document or something, that's a problem you'll need to watch out for.)
Anyways, for what you want, this bit of code will find the textbox, and then add an event to it which watches for the "ENTER" key (key code 13), and then triggers the click on the button when the "ENTER" key is hit:
$(document).one(":passagerender", function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#textbox-answer").on("keyup", function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
$("#textbox-submit button").trigger("click");
Just add that code to that same passage and that should do the trick.
For details, see the :passagerender event, and for the "$(...)" stuff see the jQuery documentation.
Hope that helps! :-)