0 votes
by (240 points)
How do I make sure that the answer was not written in blue, and, for example, red? How to change the thickness of the letters of the answer option text? How to make around the answer was any frame? Harlowe

1 Answer

0 votes
by (260 points)

To change the color of your links, click on the name of your story in the bottom left of the screen and select "Edit story stylesheet". Here you can type some CSS code that will affect how your story is displayed.

To change the link text to red, you can add:

tw-link, .enchantment-link {
    color: #FF0000;

(The color code is in hexadecimal.)

This won't change links that have already been visited; for that, add:

tw-link.visited {
     color: #FF0000; 

You may also need these, to change the mouseover color:

tw-link:hover, .enchantment-link:hover {
    color: #FF5050;
tw-link.visited:hover {
     color: #FF5050; 

To make the links not-bold, add this:

font-weight: normal

What do you mean about the frames, exactly?

by (240 points)
I meant that I want to make sure that when I select the answer option, I click not on the text, but on the button with this text.