+1 vote
by (750 points)

<<set $VMachinePrize1 to random(3)>>
<<if $VMachinePrize1 is 0>><</if>>
<<if $VMachinePrize1 is 1>><</if>>
<<if $VMachinePrize1 is 2>><</if>>
<<if $VMachinePrize1 is 3>><</if>>

The code I am using so far. I want it to be set up as if it was a vending machine. The game is set up so once per day you can pay a fee and depending on the number you get I item. I am trying to find out a way where if you get the item once before(or the chance has been activated before.) instead of going to what the variable is registered to do it displays a different passage.



If you just got the variable for the first time:

<<if $VMachinePrize1 is 1>>

You got a prize!

<<set $Prize to 1>>


but, I want it so if you have the prize, or if '$prize is 1', it displays this


<<if $VMachinePrize1 is 1>>

<<if $Prize is 0>>

You win a prize!

<<set $Prize to 1>>


<<if $Prize is 1>>

The Machine beeps at you.

"This Item is sold out!"


I am sure this would work, but I want your opinions or alternate solutions.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (23.6k points)
edited by

I'm not 100% sure how exactly you want the machine to work. I'd probably put something like this into StoryInit:

<<set $prizes = ["Hat", "Bag of Candy", "Golden Ticket", "Pack of Tissues"]>>
<<set $inventory = []>>
<<set $VMachinePrize = 0>>

And then design the machine something like this:

Throw in a coin for your chance to win a prize.

<span id="prize">
<<set $VMachinePrize = random(3)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $prizes.length; _i++>>
	<<capture _i>>
	<<if $inventory.includes($prizes[_i])>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#prize">>The Machine beeps at you.<br>"This Item is sold out!"<</replace>>
	<<elseif $VMachinePrize != _i>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#prize">>Too bad. Try again tomorrow.<</replace>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#prize">>You win a $prizes[_i].<</replace>>
			<<set $inventory.push($prizes[_i])>>

Or if the player should be able to repick his choice if the item is sold out:

Throw in a coin for your chance to win a prize.

<span id="prize">
<<set $VMachinePrize = random(3)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $prizes.length; _i++>>
	<<capture _i>>
	<<if $inventory.includes($prizes[_i])>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#nothing">>The Machine beeps at you.<br>"This Item is sold out!"<</replace>>
	<<elseif $VMachinePrize != _i>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#prize">>Too bad. Try again tomorrow.<</replace>>
			<<replace "#nothing">><</replace>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#prize">>You win a $prizes[_i].<</replace>>
			<<replace "#nothing">><</replace>>
			<<set $inventory.push($prizes[_i])>>
<span id = "nothing"></span>


by (750 points)
edited by

Works great. just need it setup to when you when a prize( or if $prizes[_i] is Golden ticket, Tissues or bag of candy) it goto's a passage where I can include a little illustration of you getting the item and able to <<set $GoldenTicket to 1>>.


if $prizes[_i] is Golden ticket

<<goto [[VMachinePrize1]]>>

if $prizes[_i] is Bag of candy

<<goto [[VMachinePrize2]>>

by (23.6k points)
edited by

I'd create a passage called for example "Picture":


<<if _i == 0>>
	<img src= "the URL of your image" width="500" height="300">
<<elseif _i == 1>>
	<img src= "the URL of your image" width="500" height="300">
<<elseif _i == 2>>
	<img src= "the URL of your image" width="500" height="300">
<<elseif _i == 3>>
	<img src= "the URL of your image" width="500" height="300">


You'll have to put the proper url in there and adjust height/width as needed. Then you can just do something like this:

Throw in a coin for your chance to win a prize.
<span id="picture"></span>
<span id="prize">
<<set $VMachinePrize = random(3)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $prizes.length; _i++>>
	<<capture _i>>
	<<if $inventory.includes($prizes[_i])>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#nothing">>The Machine beeps at you.<br>"This Item is sold out!"<</replace>>
	<<elseif $VMachinePrize != _i>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#prize">>Too bad. Try again tomorrow.<</replace>>
			<<replace "#nothing">><</replace>>
		<<link "Slot _i">>
			<<replace "#prize">>You win a $prizes[_i].<</replace>>
			<<replace "#nothing">><</replace>>
			<<set $inventory.push($prizes[_i])>>
			<<replace "#picture">><<display "Picture">><</replace>>
<span id = "nothing"></span>

You can add any <<set>> macros you want to be executed between the approbriate <<link "Slot _i">><</link>>. As for setting $GoldenTicket to 1 - you don't really need that in this setup. If you want to check, whether the player has the golden ticket, you can just do something like:

<<if $inventory.includes("Golden Ticket")>>You have a golden ticket.<</if>>

If you really want to go to another Passage as soon as the player wins, you could instead do it like this:

Throw in a coin for your chance to win a prize.
<span id="picture"></span>
<span id="prize">
<<set $VMachinePrize = random(3)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $prizes.length; _i++>>
	<<capture _i>>
	<<if $inventory.includes($prizes[_i])>>
		<<link "Slot">>
			<<replace "#nothing">>The Machine beeps at you.<br>"This Item is sold out!"<</replace>>
	<<elseif $VMachinePrize != _i>>
		<<link "Slot">>
			<<replace "#prize">>Too bad. Try again tomorrow.<</replace>>
			<<replace "#nothing">><</replace>>
	@@color: CornflowerBlue; _i@@
<span id = "nothing"></span>

This way the Player will ne linked to a passage that has the same name as the item - Winning the Golden Ticket would send the player to a passage called "Golden Ticket".

by (750 points)

Thanks a ton! I will try it out later today!


thanks again for your help, idling!
