First of all, I've read a lot of things on the old forum but it's not working and I think it's because I'm using the new twine and harlowe, but I have no idea, ever. Things like #box and .passage and such don't work, I don't know why that is. I'm also unsure of why but html doesn't work for me either, it takes the < and > as errors and won't run anything.
Second of all, are side bars even possible to customize in harlowe 2.0.1?
I want to put a button like thing on the side where the player can save and load games, but I don't really understand how to code it. The example given in the wiki seems to be for in the passage, but if it's in the sidebar, then the coding for it can't be in a passage, can it? Or do I need to create a separate passage that saves crap like that? I have a passage called StoryMenu because I read in sugarcube that works and such, but that seems to not be the case.
Also, can I put the content of a passage in the sidebar?
Thank you.