Using Sugarcube 2
I really struggled shortening this to put it into a title, but I gave up, so here's my long af description
I want to a variable to be called $name and I want to use this many times, but I want this variable to be set by the user through a simple selection. I have two names I want to be available, Adam and Eve. Throughout the story I want to be able to call upon whatever name they chose with a simple $name, instead of using things like (however you put it in sugarcube, I put it in harlowe as that's what I'm most familiar with)
(if: $name is "Adam")[Adam is your name]
(if: $name is "Eve")[Eve is your name]
(if: $nameAdam is true)[blah blah]
(if: $nameEve is true)[blah blah]
I don't yet know how to put that in via sugarcube as I'm learning things as I need them or think of them. I don't want to assign separate variables for what they chose like $nameAdam or $nameEve because then I'll have to have if statements every time I want to say their name and that's annoying, but I'll do it if necessary.
I also want to assign another variable based on what they didn't choose. I want when Adam is chosen by the player, Eve will be given to the narrator and vice versa.
Also, I want some text to show up after the player makes a decision between the two names. So it's in the same passage. Would a text box, button, check box, radio button, or something else be best for something like this? I'm thinking a button would make this easier, but what do I know?