NOTE: JavaScript class isn't fully compatible across all brands of web-browser.
Your issue is basically one of Scope.
Basically the JavaScript executed within any Passage is executed in within it's own Local scope and for this particular situation the Story Javascript area can be considered just another Passage, and (by default) code executed within one Local scope can't access code from any Local scope.
So you will need to raise the scope of your Quest class from Local to Global, and you will need a more experienced JavaScript programmer than I to tell you what's the best practice for doing that in the context of a Twine story format like Snowman.
(Ideally you'd want to use a module and export/import the functionality, but I don't know how to do that for a Twine 2 story format like Snowman without having to use JavaScript to dynamically load an external JS file.)
One method I got to work was combining a global Namespace with an anonymously defined class declaration, but again I don't know if this is considered a good practice or not.
/* Defining the Namespace and Class in Story Javascript area. */
window.GE = window.GE || {};
GE.Quest = class {
constructor(target,condition){ = target;
/* Accessing the Quest class within a standard Passage. */
var quest = new GE.Quest();
console.log('quest: ' + quest);