Hi everybody,
I'm having a problem with my code where an object is aparently not being declared. First I'm using this code to declare two different objects:
<<set $inv_cinquedea to {
id: "weapon.cinquedea" ,
type: "weapon",
subtype: "dagger",
cost: 100,
name_es: "Daga cinquedea",
name_en: "Cinquedea dagger",
desc_es: "Una daga de hoja ancha, más pensada como un accesorio que como un arma real.",
desc_en: "A wide blade dagger, more used as an accessory than as a real weapon."
<<set $inv_dimaedroClothes to {
id: "clothes.dimaedro",
type: "clothes",
subtype: "elegant",
cost: 200,
name_es: "Ropajes elegantes de Dimaedro",
name_en: "Elegant clothes from Dimaedro",
desc_es: "Un traje considerando elegante según la moda de Dimaedro. No ofrece protección alguna.",
desc_en: "Clothes considered elegant according to Dimaedro fashion. It does not offer any protection."
And then I'm just trying to access them like this:
<<print $inv_cinquedea.name_en>>
<<print $inv_dimaedroClothes.name_en>>
The objects declaration gives no errors, but when trying to print them only the first one ($inv_cinquedea) works properly, while the second one ($inv_dimaedroClothes) gives me this error message:
Error: <<print>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.inv_dimaedroClothes is undefined
<<print $inv_dimaedroClothes.name_en>>
Does anybody know where the problem is? I'm sure it's going to be an stupid error like "you forgot to put a comma there", but I've been trying to fix it for hours now and I can't see where the problem is. >.<