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You didn't supply an example of how you are initialising your current player variable nor how you place to track their dexterity, and there are a number of different ways this could be done (distinct variables for each attribute; a single Data-Map containing all the attributes, etc...). I'm guessing you may be using the second option so I have used that in my solution.
1. Initialise your player related attributes within your protect's startup tagged special passage.
(set: $player to (dm:
"Name", "Abcde",
"Race", "Uknown",
"Dexterity", 0
2. Add TwineScript like the following to the Passage containing the Race selection. It displays the current values of each of the player's attributes and then uses a (link:) macro to allow the Reader to select which race the player is (1).
I have also included an example of how to use a (replace:) macro combined with a named hook to refresh the currently displayed attributes information.
Name: (print: $player's "Name")
Race: [(print: $player's "Race")]<race|
Dexterity: [(print: $player's "Dexterity")]<dexterity|
Select a race for the player: {
(link: "Elf")[
(set: $player's "Race" to "Elf")
(set: $player's "Dexterity" to it + 2)
(replace: ?race)[(print: $player's "Race")]
(replace: ?dexterity)[(print: $player's "Dexterity")]
(1) I have only implemented the "Elf" link but you should be able to use it as a guide you adding other races to the selection.