PaddedGamer, the loss of your saves is unfortunate and regrettable. You have my sympathies.
That said, I feel the need to clarify some things.
PaddedGamer > […] Basically, I'm trying to load the contents of my save files from disk. And it doesn't seem to work properly. What happened in the past is that I would save to disk, it would create a .save file like normal. Then I could hit load from disk and it would transfer my save data for that game from the save file to the game itself.
Assuming you mean importing/exporting slots, SugarCube's disk-based save feature has never worked that way. It has only ever made/loaded a single save.
I don't know what you think you're remembering, but it is not, literally cannot, be this.
PaddedGamer > Honestly, the wording is terrible. "Save from disk" and "load from disk" can both be easily confused as an archive button. In fact, I've thought this was the case as long as I can remember because of the wording. If it's a save state, then why doesn't it say "save state" and "load state" which is the official termology for save states.
Do not conflate what an emulator is doing there, saving a snapshot of the game's memory state, with a game's normal built-in save mechanism. SugarCube's disk-based save feature makes/loads a normal save—and, as noted above, has always done so.
As far as the terminology goes. The button's labels do not mention anything—e.g., slots, importing, exporting, archiving, etc.—that would suggest they work in the way you thought.
HiEv > […] (Especially considering that in the buttons' icons, the save button has an arrow pointing down to a drive, indicating that the list above goes to the drive, and the load button icon has an arrow pointing from the drive up to the save slots above.)
The buttons use fairly standard to/from disk icons—exactly similar to to/from cloud icons. Their arrows denote the direction of data flow and have no relation to anything around them.
The idea that the arrows are referring to something on the page is, frankly, ludicrous. I say that not to be dismissive, but because icons of that type have been in use for many years now and their meanings should be well understood by this point.